(II) What factors should be considered when search rentals in Tokyo?
Factors to be considered include location, commuting time, budget, housing facilities, surrounding environment, etc. Most of you are studying or working, so you could firstly consider your school or company location.
If the rent there is within your budget, living around school/company will be a good option. If the rent is relatively high, you could choose somewhere farther away but with easy access. The public transportation in Tokyo is very convenient, so you could take an express and arrive somewhere very far within just half an hour.
If your school/company is in the suburb area and you want to live in a hot place, you could also choose to live in the city center. In addition, it is good to live closer to the station, but there is also a noise problem, you could weigh up the pros and cons before making a decision.
Furthermore, facilities and equipment in the property and the surrounding environment also need to be considered. When renting a place in Tokyo, generally there’s no furniture and appliances in the house, so you need to buy everything by yourself. What you should confirm is the air conditioner, gas equipment, access control system, network, etc.. The surrounding environment is also important. It is necessary to confirm its safety conditions and whether there are supermarkets, post offices, hospitals, banks, etc.
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